Tides: Its occurrence,formation,types on the basis of length and time.



The alternative rise and fall in the level of the ocean water in the ocean is known as tides.


High tides and low tides

There are two types of tides.These are follows:
1.High tides-When the level of ocean water rises and its motion is in the direction towards the coast is called high tides.
2.Low tides-When the level of ocean water falls and its motion is in the direction towards the ocean is called low tides or ebb tides.


Bay of Fundy

The highest tides in the world are found in the Bay of Fundy,in the south-east Canada where the water rises over 15 m.


We know that every object in the universe exerts an attractive force on every other object.Similarly the earth attracts the sun and the moon towards itself and vice versa.The sun by virtue of its bigger mass should attract much than the moon but,due to the greater distance from the earth,it does not.The tides follow the apparent movement of the moon.It is at its maximum during facing the moon and minimum during at the opposite  side of the earth.


Two high tides are produced at a same tides,one at the side of the earth facing the moon and the other on the directly opposite side of the the moon-side facing surface.This is because two forces are acting simultaneously on every point of the earth.These are the gravitational forces of sun and moon and the other is centrifugal force which is acts on every point of the earth  every time in opposite to the gravitational force,these two forces balance the each other at the center of the earth.

Formation of tides

The gravitational force is much greater than the centrifugal force on the facing the moon,on the other hand the centrifugal force is much greater than the gravitational force on the side opposite to the side facing the moon of the earth.

There are two low tides between the two high tides. Since the earth rotates on its axis each point experiences two high tides and two low tides.


The position of the earth with respect to the position of the moon and the sun is responsible for the variation in the height of tides.The difference in the level of the high tides and the low tides is called tidal range.


Spring tides
  • It occurs during the time of full moon and new moon.
  • The moon and the earth comes almost in a same line.
  • It is the highest tide as the sun and the moon provides  their combined effort of gravitational.
  • The height of the spring tides are 20% more than the normal tides.
  • These occurs twice a month.


Neap tides

  • It occurs during the time of half moon.
  • The sun and the moon  are at right angle to the center of the earth.
  • During this tides the height of the high tides are lower than the normal and the low tides as the  moon and the sun cancels each other's force.
  • The difference of the level of the tides are about 20%.
  • This also occurs twice a month.


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